Friday 7 March 2008

The elusive gas regulator tap

Bloody hell, you know that regulator tap that I couldn't find anywhere...and which I have been looking out for for two months? Well I found it today, in the most unlikely place!

My back is feeling sore today after a heavy week in school, which included an observation (which went very well indeed, but which was stressful), so I thought I would clear up the house, which I have neglected while prepping for school and otherwise doing stuff in the garage. I started by sorting out school notes and the box of school detritis from Xmas, which I'd shoved in a corner at the end of last term.....miscellaneous xmas tree balls, cards, a tangerine, etc....and came across my pencil box, where I put pencils picked up off the floor in give to kids who never seem to have one...and opened it to put some left-handed scissors in it...and there was my regulator tap.

It must have been when I was working on the trailer post, welded it up, left the welder in the front room/hall...and later hurriedly tidied the floor (which is a dumping ground after school) and tidied away the regulator tap.

Damn, I might never have found it!

The moral? Looking in illogical places makes sense.

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